Martin Engelbogen

dub der guten hoffnung e.p.

graphic, record cover

The Dub der guten Hoffnung E.P. was cre­ated dur­ing a one month tour through Ger­many and Aus­tria of the San Fran­cisco based DJ and pro­du­cer Room­mate together with the Ber­lin based col­lect­ive „Dub der guten Hoffnung“, rep­res­en­ted on this E.P. from Ras Lion and Dark­wing Dub. The E.P. is a concept E.P. which rep­res­ents the idea of „Dub der guten Hoffnung“(engl. Dub of good hope), to bring back the pos­it­ive vibra­tions and con­scious lyr­ics to the dances.

avo­cau­dio | San Fran­cisco
graphic design