Martin Engelbogen

there is nothing like a sound system

master thesis, book, sound design

This is my mas­ter thesis which helped me to real­ize a long time dream, to build my own sound sys­tem. Before start­ing with con­struc­tion a lot of research was neces­sary, which will be reflec­ted in the first part of this thesis, which will give an over­view of the his­tory of Reg­gae & Dub sound sys­tem cul­ture, whose cur­rent local scene will be rep­res­en­ted through a series of inter­views. Another sub­part is focused on loud­speak­ers, espe­cially on horn loaded designs and sim­u­la­tion of those. Fur­ther­more, the loud­speaker itself will be ana­lysed from an artistic point of view and presen­ted as an instru­ment. The second part is a doc­u­ment­a­tion of the con­struc­tion of a D.I.Y. Reg­gae & Dub sound sys­tem with spe­cial focus on low fre­quency repro­duc­tion. Decisions are sup­por­ted by sim­u­la­tions and meas­ure­ments. You can hear the sound sys­tem almost every month at Forum Stadtpark Graz, at our event series called “Dub der guten Hoffnung”.

Fh Joan­neum & Kun­stuni­versität Graz / IEM
mas­ter thesis