Martin Engelbogen


graphic, bachelor thesis, book

This work is a doc­u­ment­a­tion of my pro­ject “Chick­z­illa” and should by its descrip­tion give an example of how to inter­vene in pub­lic space. There­fore the pro­ject was frag­men­ted in its com­pon­ents, com­par­ing them to estab­lished artistic meth­odes. If there was no equal exist­ing method, a sim­ilar method has been used as ref­er­ence. The final part shows the chal­lenges that ocurred dur­ing the real­isa­tion of the pro­ject and provides pos­sible solutions.
uni­ver­sity of applied sci­ences Fh Joan­neum | Graz
bach­elor thesis