Burn The Machine was not just another club event on the Berlin electronica calender, the dates 4th & 5th of November have been adopted with specific reason. Within English tradition since 1605 these nights are commemorated with fireworks, music & the burning of a man called Guy Fawkes. The 5th being the night that the effigy of Guy Fawkes is paraded through the towns & city streets of England, were eventually the Guy will be placed on a bonfire and burnt to a cinder.
The Guy Fawkes effigy was replaced with a more fitting subject to the music and culture that Subland supports — a robot! With the fire in place Subland celebrated their love for all things machine based with two days of music, art, film and visual performance, with a line that is second to none, integrating and promoting German Djs, live acts & visual artists with recognised and well established international performers key to the philosophy of both Subdivision and Subland.